Just friends and stuff
Halloween 2004 and Tattoo Stuff!!
Weekend stuff
The Canal Jump....
More pictures!!
Richard's own page
Fun stuff from U of I
More pictures!!
He he. Gotta love the "shwooo"
Bethy came to visit me!!!
Sorry about the crappy drawing :-P
Payback for the sleeping picture
Amanda sure does love hot dogs
I had a blast at King's Island with my guys
Hey! There's a mullet to your left!!!
Lee and Todd got along really well....
Awww! Look at their cute clip-on cup holders. How precious
Amanda, we've been good friends for a while now...
And I love you and all...Will you marry me?
Our first Halloween
Where's the whip? ;-)
Cheesburger in Paradise is the best!!!
We had so much fun on Halloween! Ryan even got hit on!!!
I finally got to meet Haley!!!
She was super cool
Fireman and freak
Josh and Lee
Amanda the cat whisperer
Watch out...he drools
Lee, Todd, Ryan, and me at King's Island
Good picture Matt
Be a tiger!!!
Grrrr baby